The bad note taker strikes again!!
Concluding talk at the Coventry Assembly
Faithful and Discreet Slave awakens our minds to the urgency of preaching the good news
Zeph 1:14
Many examples here at this assembly
Friday am
Faith Strengthening examples of unflagging zeal are Jehovah and Jesus they never give up
Friday pm
Reminders to become fearless especially with large properties- gates that always creak, crunching pathways, Door Bells that always work. All designed to put us off.
Beware of the snare of flirting, guard against Riches, Worship Jehovah acceptably.
Saturday theme 1 Pet 3:13
Need to focus on starting bible studies; we need to ask for them from Jehovah in Prayer the householder
Open our eyes like Elisa see Jehovahs help. We face various trials; improve the quality of our faith
Draw close to Jehovah and his outstanding qualities.
Be moved by the Drama to remain firm in troublesome times, because they are coming brothers they are coming
Well done to all at the assembly 1,091 Volunteers, 19 baptized
Keep separate from the World, its conflicts and its turbulence even if it affects our life
Never allow opposition from the world to make you fearful
Governing Body wants to relate the following
Jan 22 Awake religious persecution in Georgia 80 violent attacks 1000 victims
April mob attacked meeting, Police called and condemned the brothers! Peak 15,137 publishers March 32,000 at Memorial
Strikes, floods, financial crisis Peak 123,709 277,307 @ Memorial
550,864 Publishers in March 12 th consecutive peak
Civil unrest, brothers had to move to safer areas 3,500 publishers 24,400 at Memorial
Is there a foot on our brake or are we pressing the accelerator?
In the UK there has been marvelous increases thats to the reports of the elderly and infirm and the new method of reporting through the groups 2% increase and 42,000 Bible studies a significant increase
Tremendous growth in the foreign language (F/L) field 56 Foreign language congregations and 169 F/L groups in 25 Congregations
Progress in Chinese Language at universities What has Jehovah in mind for mainland china ?
113 million Mags and Brochures out of Bethel London
36 Languages
65 Countries
Some of the shipping will return to France in October
HLC Letter from the Blood Transfusion Service commending the Society
RBC - 17 New Halls, 53 Refurbished
Prov 28:20
Next Year
Many 3 day Direct Conventions
4 Day international Assemblys info to follow
Jehovah praises our work